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First Post

·1 min

It’s 2023 and I have started a blog!

I have previously made several half-hearted attempts, but none that really took of (as in me actually posting something).

Why now? #

Writing has always been something I enjoyed doing, but since I left school most of my writing has been work related. Some of my writing here is probably going to resemble work quite a lot, but lets see where it goes. At least I’m not trying to sell anything to anyone here 😀

I would also like to work on my writing - not only to improve my communication, but also to improve my English. Although I have lived in both Ireland and the United Kingdom, and speak English on a daily basis I still feel there is room for improvement.

Who is the reader? #

Myself mostly, but I wouldn’t mind if others would read my posts. Maybe even find a morsel or two of useful information.

Inspiration #

Two people who have inspired me to begin blogging are Julia Evans and Major Hayden. Both make some really good points, and Major really puts it into plain language:

Write for you – not for anyone else.

There you have it, lets see how long it lasts 😀